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Meeting Details

23 Apr 2018 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Pdf Agenda (70Kb)
  2. Pdf 4) Leader's Report (189Kb)
  3. Pdf 7a) Executive Recommendation 1 - Housing & Homelessness (9Kb)
  4. Pdf 7a) Recommendation 2 - Review of Contaminated Land Strategy (84Kb)
  5. Pdf 7a) Executive Recommendation 3. De-declaration of Scraptoft Nature Reserve (7Kb)
  6. Pdf 7a) Executive Recommendation 4. SE Leics Transport Study (64Kb)
  7. Pdf 7a) Executive Recommendation 5. Harborough Playing Pitch Strategy (65Kb)
  8. Pdf 7a) Executive Recommendation 6. Draft Strategic Growth Plan (136Kb)
  9. Pdf 7b) Executive Report (3Kb)
  10. Pdf 8a) Recommendation from Governance & Audit Committee - Counter-fraud Arrangements (74Kb)
  11. Pdf 10) Report from the Chairman of the Scrutiny Commission - April 2018 (175Kb)
  12. Pdf 11) Chief Officer Pay Policy Report (203Kb)
  13. Pdf Section 100A(4) - Local Government Act 1972 (112Kb)
  14. Mp3 Audio file Council - 23-04-18 (47930Kb)
  15. Pdf Accessing audio recordings of meeting (63Kb)
  16. Pdf 23 April '18 Council Minutes (202Kb)

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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