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Meeting Details

23 Feb 2015 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Pdf Agenda (90Kb)
  2. Pdf 3 - Exec Report - Budget 2015-16 (Final) 9th Feb (336Kb)
  3. Pdf Appendix A Budget Summary (85Kb)
  4. Pdf Appendix B - Copy of Copy of Savings Proposals (228Kb)
  5. Pdf Appendix C - Growth Proposals (Final) (211Kb)
  6. Pdf Appendix D (Reserves) (85Kb)
  7. Pdf Appendix E - Capital (final) (225Kb)
  8. Pdf Appendix F - Fees & charges 2015-16 - with 0.0 increase (352Kb)
  9. Pdf Appendix G - draft Minutes Res & Perf Scrutiny Panel (335Kb)
  10. Pdf Appendix H Copy of budget-responses (179Kb)
  11. Pdf recommendation from executive (120Kb)
  12. Pdf Council Covering Report - Corporate Plan & Corporate Delivery Plan (140Kb)
  13. Pdf Appendix A - Corporate Plan 2015 - 2016 (1239Kb)
  14. Pdf Appendix B Corporate Delivery Plan 2015-16 (897Kb)
  15. Pdf Appendix C - Draft Strategic Performance Dashboard 2015-16 (158Kb)
  16. Pdf Council Tax 2015-16 (182Kb)
  17. Pdf Appendix A - Draft Resolution (146Kb)
  18. Pdf Appendix A - Table A (81Kb)
  19. Pdf Appendix A - Table B (81Kb)
  20. Pdf Appendix B - Special Expenses 2015-16 (22Kb)
  21. Pdf Treasury Man Covering Report - Final (146Kb)
  22. Pdf Appendix A Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators for 2015 - Final (298Kb)
  23. Pdf Appendix B - Criteria for Investment of Surplus Funds - FINAL (158Kb)
  24. Pdf Appendix C interest rate forecasts (153Kb)
  25. Pdf APPENDIX D - Economic Bacground 2015 FINAL - Private
  26. Pdf Appendix G - Treasury Management Scheme of Delegation (74Kb)
  27. Pdf Appendix H - Role of the Section 151 Officer (77Kb)
  28. Pdf APPENDIX I Temporary Borrowing and Investment Report 2015 (30Kb)
  29. Pdf Copy of Appendix F -Counterparty List - FINAL (15Kb)
  30. Pdf Copy of Appendix E - External Debt Analysis (11Kb)
  31. Pdf Meetings held this cycle (10Kb)
  32. Mp3 Audio file - Council - 23-02-15 (39862Kb)
  33. Pdf 16 - General Fund Revenue Estimates and Capital Programme (Alternative) (352Kb)
  34. Pdf 17 - Council Tax 2015-16 (Alternative) (616Kb)
  35. Pdf signed minutes (487Kb)


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Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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