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Meeting Details

25 Mar 2013 - 17:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Pdf Agenda (209Kb)
  2. Pdf Assets of Community Value (133Kb)
  3. Pdf 1. Q3 Performance - Executive Report (77Kb)
    1. Pdf 2. Business Growth (56Kb)
    2. Pdf 3. Corporate Services Q3 (98Kb)
    3. Pdf 4. Finance, Efficiency & Assets (59Kb)
    4. Pdf 5. Health & Community (73Kb)
    5. Pdf 6. Planning, Environment & Conservation (73Kb)
    6. Doc 7. Regulatory & Safety.doc (available soon)
    7. Doc 8. Risk Register (available soon)
    8. Pdf 9. HIC Performance report Jan 2013 (484Kb)
  4. Pdf 25.03.2012 Sundry Debt Write-offs (85Kb)
  5. Pdf Report to the Executive - Bad Debt Report 250313 (88Kb)
  6. Pdf Report on Preventing Homelessness Strategy Review (98Kb)
  7. Pdf Social Housing Allocations Policy - Executive Report (100Kb)
  8. Pdf Executive Report for 25.03.13 safeguarding policy (103Kb)
  9. Pdf 2013 March 25 - Prudential Indicator and Treasury Management Strategy 2013.14 (168Kb)
  10. Pdf welland procurement unit partnership (90Kb)
  11. Pdf Transformation Programme Progress Report Draft March 2013 (114Kb)
    1. Pdf APPENDIX A Performance Report (124Kb)
    2. Pdf APPENDIX C Highlight Status Report (40Kb)
    3. Pdf APPENDIX D Transformation Programme Monitoring Jan 2013 (51Kb)
    4. Doc APPENDIX E Risk Trend (available soon)
    5. Doc APPENDIX F Significant Risk Table (available soon)
    6. Pdf Culture Change (62Kb)
    7. Pdf Customer Services (78Kb)
    8. Pdf Flexible Working (59Kb)
    9. Pdf ICT (118Kb)
    10. Pdf Market Hall (60Kb)
    11. Pdf Organisational Design (57Kb)
    12. Pdf Property Review HQ (211Kb)
    13. Pdf Trade Waste (61Kb)
    14. Pdf Waste (55Kb)
  12. Doc Executive Report empty homes (available soon)
    1. Pdf Report - Supporting Leicestershire Families - Harborough Proposal (92Kb)
    2. Pdf Section 100A museum (34Kb)
    3. Pdf MINUTES (125Kb)


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    Declarations of Interests

    Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
    No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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