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Meeting Details

Cabinet Sub Committee Grants
11 Sep 2024 - 18:30 to 19:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
1 Election of Chairman for 2024/25

It was AGREED that the Election of the Chairman for the Cabinet Sub Committee Grants 2024/25 was not required as the Leader of the Council was present and therefore he must preside over a sub committee as noted in the Council's Constitution 4.4.21 of the Executive Procedure Rules.

2 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillor Woodiwiss and Councillor Galton, who was substituted by Councillor Knight.

3 Declarations of Members' Interests

There were none.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Sub Committee Grants held on 10th April 2024 were approved as an accurate record.

Officers presented the report which detailed the recommendations on funding allocations for Section 106 grants, to the Cabinet Sub-Committee Grants for approval. Four applications were considered as follows;


  • 004 S106 R2 2024/25 - Bowmen of Glen Archery Society

The Chairman invited the applicants and Ward Member, Councillor Hallam, to address the Sub Committee and representations were heard in support of the application. Following the discussion it was;


RESOLVED that full funding of £147,160.15 be granted with the following terms and conditions;

- Standard Terms and Conditions would apply (this includes requiring the evidence of other funding)
- Impose a Community Use Agreement
- Impose a deadline for the cl
ubhouse to be completed as the toilets/kitchen etc are important to be in place for when the space is used for community use


The Chairman confirmed that the next three applications would be considered together. The Chairman invited the applicant for 005 – Lutterworth Athletic Football Club to address the Sub Committee and a representation was heard in support of the application.


  • 007 S106 R2 2024/25 – Lutterworth Town Council (Town Council office project)

It was AGREED that the application 007 S106 R2 2024/25 – Lutterworth Town Council (Town Council office project) would not be funded as per the officer recommendations. The Chairman asked officers to liaise with the applicant to point them in the direction of other funding streams.


  • 005 S106 R2 2024/25 - Lutterworth Athletic Football Club
  • 008 S106 R2 2024/25 – Lutterworth Town Council (Pavilion project)

The Sub Committee discussed the benefits of part-funding both the remaining applications equally and asked officers to engage with the applicants to determine other funding streams that may be available. It was therefore;



- Part funding of £45,780 be granted to 005 S106 R2 2024/25 - Lutterworth Athletic Football Club with the following terms and conditions;

- Standard Terms and Conditions would apply (this includes requiring the evidence of other funding)
- Impose extra monitoring following completion to ensure community access.


- Part funding of £45,780 be granted to 008 S106 R2 2024/25 – Lutterworth Town Council (Pavilion project) with the following terms and conditions;

- Standard Terms and Conditions would apply (this includes requiring the evidence of other funding)
- Impose additional monitoring after completion to ensure community have fair access to the facility at a reasonable cost
- Impose an additional T&C re the tenants situation and current business hire
- Request monthly regular progress updates

6 To consider any urgent items (to be decided by the Chairman)

There were none. 

Additional Meeting Documents


NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Simon Galton 
Councillor Darren Woodiwiss 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting
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