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Meeting Details

31 Mar 2008 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Minutes (114Kb)
  2. Doc Building Control Shared Services (45Kb)
  3. Doc Business Planning 2008/09 (42Kb)
  4. Doc Business Planning 2008/09 Appendix A (854Kb)
  5. Doc Civil Contingencies Arrangements (42Kb)
  6. Doc Commons Car Park - Allocation of Tender (66Kb)
  7. Doc Commons Car Park - Alloction of Tender Appendix A (60Kb)
  8. Doc Cyclescheme (52Kb)
  9. Doc Cyclescheme Appendix A (32Kb)
  10. Doc Cyclescheme Appendix B (21Kb)
  11. Doc Draft Leicestershire 2020 Economic Strategy (50Kb)
  12. Doc Draft Leicestershire Economic Strategy Appendix A (94Kb)
  13. Doc Draft Leicestershire Economic Strategy Appendix B (46Kb)
  14. Doc Draft Rota of Meetings (46Kb)
  15. Doc Draft Rota of Meetings Appendix A (41Kb)
  16. Enforcement Issues for Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground
  17. EXEMPT Enforcement Issues for Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground Appendix A
  18. Doc Forward Plan of Key Decisions May - August 2008 Appendix A (151Kb)
  19. Doc Forward Plan of Key Decisions May-August 2008 (38Kb)
  20. Doc Harborough Economic Development Strategy 2008-2013 (62Kb)
  21. Doc Harborough Economic Development Strategy Appendix A (214Kb)
  22. Doc Harborough Economic Development Strategy Appendix B (660Kb)
  23. Doc Harborough Museum Operational Review (80Kb)
  24. Doc Leicester and Leicestershire Multi Area Agreement (50Kb)
  25. Doc Leicester and Leicestershire Multi Area Agreement Annex A (99Kb)
  26. Doc Leicestershire Housing Distribution (81Kb)
  27. Doc Northampton Road Sports Ground Land Issue (68Kb)
  28. Doc Northampton Road Sports Ground Land Issue Appendix A (7949Kb)
  29. Doc Northampton Road Sports Ground Land Issue Appendix B (7970Kb)
  30. Doc Northampton Road Sports Ground Land Issue Appendix C (31Kb)
  31. Doc Northampton Road Sports Ground Road Land Issue Appendix D (32Kb)
  32. Doc Performance Report (81Kb)
  33. Doc Performance Report - Appendix A (97Kb)
  34. Doc Performance Report - Appendix B (166Kb)
  35. Doc Performance Report - Appendix C (200Kb)
  36. Doc Pest Control and Dog Warden Tender (76Kb)
  37. Doc Section 100A (20Kb)
  38. Doc Strategic Housing and Enabling (78Kb)


No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


There were no visitors present at this meeting
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