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Meeting Details

22 Feb 2007 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda (142Kb)
  2. Doc Minutes (266Kb)
  3. Doc Capital Programme 2007/08 to 2009/10 (83Kb)
  4. Xls Capital Programme 2007/08 to 2009/10 Appendix A (24Kb)
  5. Doc Capital Programme 2007/08 to 2009/10 Appendix B (82Kb)
  6. Xls Capital Programme 2007/08 to 2009/10 Appendix C (16Kb)
  7. Doc Council Priorities and Targets 2007/08 (40Kb)
  8. Pdf Council Priorities and Targets Appendix A (14Kb)
  9. Doc Council Tax 2007/08 (186Kb)
  10. Xls Council Tax 2007/08 Appendix A (33Kb)
  11. Xls Council Tax 2007/08 Appendix C (21Kb)
  12. Doc Council Tax Report - FINAL VERSION (190Kb)
  13. Xls Council Tax report FINAL VERSION Appendix A (34Kb)
  14. Xls Council Tax Report FINAL VERSION Appendix B (34Kb)
  15. Xls Council Tax Report FINAL VERSION Appendix C (22Kb)
  16. Doc Draft General Fund Budget Estimates Additional Information (28Kb)
  17. Doc Draft General Fund Budget Estimates: Revised 2006/07 and Base 2007/08 (80Kb)
  18. Doc Draft General Fund Budget Estimates: revised 2006/07 and Base 2007/08 Appendix B (82Kb)
  19. Xls Draft General Fund Budget Estimates: Revised 2006/07 and Base 2007/08 Appendix C (24Kb)
  20. Xls Draft General Fund Budget Estimates: Revised 2006/07 and Base 2007/08 Appendix D (20Kb)
  21. Xls Draft General Fund Budget Estimates: Revised 2006/07 and Base 2007/08 Appendix E (14Kb)
  22. Xls Draft General Fund Budget Estimates: Revised 2006/07 and Base Appendix A (26Kb)
  23. Doc Housing Revenue Account Budget 2007/08 (80Kb)
  24. Xls Housing Revenue Account Budget 2007/08 Appendix A (19Kb)
  25. Xls Housing Revenue Account Budget Appendix B (28Kb)
  26. Xls Housing Revenue Account Budget Appendix C & D (21Kb)
  27. Xls Prudential Code and Treasury Management Strategy Report 2007/08 Appendix A Annex A (34Kb)
  28. Doc Prudential Code and Treasury Management Strategy 2007 -08 - Additional Information (28Kb)
  29. Doc Prudential Code and Treasury Management Strategy Report 2007/08 (285Kb)
  30. Doc Recommendations to Council from the Executive (52Kb)
  31. Doc Report of the Co-Chairmen of Standards Committee (22Kb)
  32. Doc Report of the Leader of Scrutiny Commission (22Kb)
  33. Doc Report of the Leader of the Executive (22Kb)
  34. Doc Standards Committee - Informal Procedure (32Kb)
  35. Doc Standards Committee - Informal Procedure Appendix A (24Kb)


No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


There were no visitors present at this meeting
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