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Meeting Details

16 Apr 2007 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda (192Kb)
  2. Doc Minutes (98Kb)
  3. Doc Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2005/06 (36Kb)
  4. Pdf Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2005/06 Appendix A (93Kb)
  5. Doc Citizens Panel (59Kb)
  6. Doc Community Room at Meadowdale Primary School (40Kb)
  7. Doc Forward Plan of Key Decisions June - September 2007 (38Kb)
  8. Doc Forward Plan of Key Decisions June - September 2007 Appendix A (94Kb)
  9. Doc Funding to the Rural Community Council (48Kb)
  10. Doc Funding to the Rural Community Council Appendix A (287Kb)
  11. Doc Harborough District Council Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan (56Kb)
  12. Doc Harborough District Council Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan Appendix A (558Kb)
  13. Doc Harborough District Council Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan Appendix B (98Kb)
  14. Doc Leicestershire Partnership Working Framework (62Kb)
  15. Doc Older Persons Strategy (51Kb)
  16. Doc Older Persons Strategy Appendix A (278Kb)
  17. Doc Request to Rename a Street in Kibworth Beauchamp (69Kb)
  18. Pdf Request to Rename a Street in Kibworth Beauchamp Appendix A (482Kb)
  19. Pdf Request to Rename a Street in Kibworth Beauchamp Appendix B (296Kb)
  20. Doc Review of Summer Activity Provision - Community Services (88Kb)
  21. Doc Voluntary Sector Infrastructure (40Kb)
  22. Doc Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendices A-D (284Kb)
  23. Doc Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix E (134Kb)
  24. Doc Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix F (206Kb)
  25. Doc Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix G Part 1 of 3 (104Kb)
  26. Xls Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix G Part 2 of 3 (30Kb)
  27. Xls Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix G Part 3 of 3 (69Kb)
  28. Doc Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix H (40Kb)
  29. Xls Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Appendix I (56Kb)


No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


There were no visitors present at this meeting
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