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Meeting Details

Scrutiny Panel - Special
10 Jan 2007 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda (130Kb)
  2. Doc Minutes (48Kb)
  3. Doc Appeal/inquiry relatng to the planning application for the Kiworth Beauchamp site (172Kb)
  4. Doc D2 Outline of Main Events relating to KB/1 (42Kb)
  5. Doc D3 Report to Planning Committee of 24/3/05 (88Kb)
  6. Pdf L1 Letter from David R Hardy (Wilbraham & Co) (172Kb)
  7. Pdf L10 Response from Leicestershire County Council (750Kb)
  8. Pdf L11 Response from Ian Dove QC (1292Kb)
  9. Doc L12 Additional response from former Planning Policy and Economic Development Manager (86Kb)
  10. Doc L13 Response from Councillor Dr Hill (then Vice-Chair of Planning) (25Kb)
  11. Pdf L14 Response from Kibworth Beauchamp PC (445Kb)
  12. Doc L2 Response from Chief Executive Officer (22Kb)
  13. Doc L3 Response from Councillor Totten (21Kb)
  14. Doc L4 Response from Councillor Hart (26Kb)
  15. Doc L5 Response from M Wilson Former Chief Executive Officer (26Kb)
  16. Pdf L6 Response from B Culpin (then Planning Policy adn Economic Development Manager (2397Kb)
  17. Pdf L7 Response from Kibworth Harcourt PC (167Kb)
  18. Doc L8 Response from former Monitoring Officer (30Kb)
  19. Doc L9 Response from Councillor Mrs Roeber (57Kb)
  20. Doc M1 Minutes of 2/10/06 (24Kb)
  21. Doc M2 Minutes of 10/10/06 (34Kb)
  22. Doc M3 Mnutes of 23/10/06 (32Kb)
  23. Doc M4 Minutes of 7/11/06 (34Kb)
  24. Doc M5 Minutes of 14/11/06 (42Kb)
  25. Doc M6 Minutes of 27/11/06 (43Kb)
  26. Doc M7 Minutes of 11/12/06 (35Kb)
  27. Doc M8 Minutes of 18/12/06 (42Kb)
  28. Doc M9 Minutes 10-1-07 (48Kb)
  29. Pdf N1 Notice of Motion Briefing Note Ref No. 7.2006/07 (50Kb)
  30. Doc Response from former Chief Executive Officer (26Kb)
  31. Doc T1 Training Notes from Prinicipal Planning Officer (82Kb)
  32. Doc T2 Training Notes from Area Planning Officer (28Kb)
  33. Doc T3 Part 1 Notes on GOEM supplied by Scrutiny Research Officer (21Kb)
  34. Pdf T3 Parts 2 & 3 Notes on GOEM (120Kb)
  35. Doc T4 Notes on Rule 6 Statements supplied by Scrutiny Research Officer (32Kb)
  36. Doc V1 Summary of Verbal evidence given by Mr Simon Rowberry (38Kb)


No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


There were no visitors present at this meeting
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