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Meeting Details

26 Jun 2006 - 18:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda (190Kb)
  2. Doc Minutes (85Kb)
  3. Doc Capital Programme Outturn 2005/06 (108Kb)
  4. Xls Capital Programme Outturn Appendix A (44Kb)
  5. Xls Capital Programme Outturn Appendix B (18Kb)
  6. Xls Capital Programme Outturn Appendix C (30Kb)
  7. Xls Capital Programme Outturn Appendix D (17Kb)
  8. Doc Forward Plans of Key Decisions (39Kb)
  9. Doc Forward Plans of Key Decisions Appendix A (66Kb)
  10. Doc Forward Plans of Key Decisions Appendix B (70Kb)
  11. Doc General Fund Outturn 2005/06 (76Kb)
  12. Xls General Fund Outturn Appendix A (24Kb)
  13. Doc Housing Revenue Account Outturn 2005/06 (61Kb)
  14. Xls Housing Revenue Account Outturn Appendix A (32Kb)
  15. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Pan 2006 Appendix A5 (42Kb)
  16. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 (60Kb)
  17. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 Appendix A1 (78Kb)
  18. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 Appendix A2 (111Kb)
  19. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 Appendix A3 (240Kb)
  20. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 Appendix A4 (305Kb)
  21. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 Appendix A6 (75Kb)
  22. Doc Housing Strategy and Housing Revenue Business Plan 2006 Appendix B (446Kb)
  23. Doc Implementation Policy in respect of Approved Documents F, L and P of the Building Regs (103Kb)
  24. Doc LDF Statement of Community Involvement Inspectors Report and Adoption (58Kb)
  25. Doc LDF Statement of Community Involvement Inspectors Report and Adoption Appendix A (1006Kb)
  26. Doc LDF Statement of Community Involvement Inspectors Report and Adoption Appendix B (21Kb)
  27. Doc Lease of Pitches Northampton Road Sports Ground (60Kb)
  28. Doc Leicestershire Municipal Waste Management Strategy Review (196Kb)
  29. Doc Leicestershire Municipal Waste Management Strategy Review Appendices A and B (50Kb)
  30. Doc Lutterworth Allotments De Verdon Road Site Appendix 1 (28Kb)
  31. Doc Lutterworth Allotments De-Verdon Road Site (62Kb)
  32. Doc Lutterworth Improvement Partnership Project Officer (86Kb)
  33. Doc Lutterworth Improvement Partnership Project Officer Appendix A (41Kb)
  34. Doc Nominations for Welland Joint Committee (114Kb)
  35. Doc Nominations for Welland Joint Committee (36Kb)
  36. Doc Parking Strategy for Harborough District (86Kb)
  37. Doc Parking Strategy for Harborough District Appendix A (54Kb)
  38. Doc Review of Local Development Scheme (58Kb)
  39. Doc Review of Local Development Scheme Appendix A (898Kb)
  40. Doc Section 100A (20Kb)
  41. Doc Section 100A (1621Kb)
  42. Doc Service Plan for Food Safety Enforcement 2006/07 (42Kb)
  43. Doc Service Plan for Food Safety Enforcement 2006/07 Appendix A (1583Kb)
  44. Doc Sports Pavilion - Little Bowden Park (44Kb)
  45. Doc Sports Pavilion - Little Bowden Park (40Kb)
  46. Pdf Sports Pavilion - Little Bowden Park Appendix A (126Kb)
  47. Doc Statement of Internal Control 2005/06 (40Kb)
  48. Doc Statement of Internal Control Appendix A (43Kb)
  49. Doc Statement of Internal Control Appendix A (40Kb)
  50. Doc Street Names Countryman Mews (45Kb)


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NameReason for Absence
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Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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