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CMIS Organisation Structure

Harborough Committees

Appeals Committee

To consider any appeal against disciplinary action (short of dismissal) made by the Joint Chief Executives or Statutory Officers.

Audit & Standards Committee

To provide independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated internal control environment, independent scrutiny of the Council's financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the Council's exposure to risk and weakens the control environment, and to oversee the financial reporting process. To discharge the functions conferred by Part III of the Local Government Act 2000.


To lead the community planning process and the search for best value with input and advice from Scrutiny. To lead the Council's policies and budget. To take decisions on resources and priorities together with other stakeholders and partners in the community, to deliver and implement the budget and policy framework. To be the focus for forming partnerships with other local public, private, voluntary sector organisations, to address local needs. The key function will be to carry out all of the Council's functions which are not the responsibility of any other part of the Council.

Corporate and Performance Overview & Scrutiny Panel

The Panel reviews its workplan at each meeting - current versions can be found on the webpage of the most recent meeting.


To lead the community planning process and the search for best value with input and advice from Scrutiny. To lead the Council's policies and budget. To take decisions on resources and priorities together with other stakeholders and partners in the community, to deliver and implement the budget and policy framework. To be the focus for forming partnerships with other local public, private, voluntary sector organisations, to address local needs. The key function will be to carry out all of the Council's functions which are not the responsibility of any other part of the Council.

Investigation & Disciplinary Committee

To advise the Council on matters relating to the dismissal of relevant officers of the authority.

Licensing Committee

The purpose of the Licensing Committee will be to undertake and exercise the functions out of the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003. These functions relate to alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment. The Committee will appoint sub-committees for the purpose of hearing applications.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee will exercise functions relating to Town and Country Planning and Development Control (Planning Applications).

Regulatory Committee

The purpose of the Regulatory Committee will be to undertake and exercise the Council's functions concerning health and safety (external advice and enforcement) and licensing functions not dealt with by the Licensing Committee eg. caravan site licences, hackney carriage and private hire licensing, takeaway food shops.

Revenue & Benefits Partnership Joint Committee

This committee is administered by Hinkley & Bosworth Borough Council. Meeting papers can be found here:

Services and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel

The Panel reviews its workplan at each meeting - current versions can be found on the webpage of the most recent meeting.

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